She stacks so hard at the end. Amazing yield and frost.
Nice. She looks like she is going to be chunky. Can’t wait to see how she turns out.
Zweet insanity is a special breed greasy oily flowers that have a great shelf life … Consider taking her a full ten weeks flower she’ll keep stacking for you
Interesting, this one had the shortest shelf life for myself and developed a strange smell after a couple months that just wasn’t palatable anymore. Still a wicked awesome plant and yes push her as long as you can fatsacks.
Did it start turning colors too?
December 2022 when I was salt growing…. Probably pulled her at 9 1/2 or 10 weeks. Could have gone longer…. Maybe did but last known picture of her that I hold
yeah, it keeps getting bigger. Fan leaves starting to fade today
Center fold material for sure!
Does she have a strong terpinolene smell?
No, not yet. I’ve resisted the urge to do much squeezin’ but I’ll let you know.
Absolutely crushed it