Winter run in Rhode Island

Two runs of seeds spaced 3 weeks apart

Run 1
Ethos - 4 Sour Marshmallow, 3 Lemon Cherry Pie,
HSC - 3 Red Velvet x Jelly Rancher #14

Run 2
Ethos - The Refresher, Punchbowl, 2 Tropicana Cookies x Tahoe OG, 2 Apples and Orange
LIT - Cheetah Piss x Runtz
Lovin in Her Eyes - Spanish Moon
SolFire - Mind Flayer

2 x 4 tents
Nutrients: Remo
IPM: Athena
Humidity 50 - 65%
Temperature 68 - 80 f
Notes: multi-topped bush


These 4 Sour G x Marshmallow OG ladies are about a week out from flower and should fill out this 4x4 tent. This has been really easy to grow and has and intense stem rub smell.


I will be cloning #1 & #3. Stand out beasts so far. Stem rub is starting to get intense.


These will get another 2 weeks of veg


Sour Marshmallow is going into flower Monday and I’m cloning #3 & #4

Apples & Orange and Tropicana Cookies x Tahoe OG get another 2 weeks


I had a poor ( roughly 66% ) germination rate but what I got I’m loving.

I am a multi top bush indoor tent grower at the moment. These ladies have had a lot of low stress training and manipulating to create an open plant with an even canopy.

Some of these are very pliable and some snap with slight pressure. After cloning this attribute of stem behavior may disappear as a by product of adolescence or as is many times an attribute that carries over

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These 3 freebie seeds from Humbolt Seed Company - Red Velvet x Jelly Rancher #14 had very snappy branches as was the Mind Flayer from SolFire. Made for some interesting shapes to the plant growth. The plants are entering adulthood and the plants are all much woodier now and less prone to breaking off during low stress training


72 clones, all 20 seeds with multiples of my favorites. I almost cut off the top of my thumb knuckle.

Most likely I’ll end of with 4-5 keepers.

Lemon Cherry Pie, The Refresher, Sour Marshmallow OG, Punch Bowl and Tropicana Cookies x Tahoe OG and Apples and Orange :tangerine: all look outstanding


Day 4 of Flower October 31st - Halloween :jack_o_lantern:


Day 7 and the girls are starting to beast out.

In particular I am excited about

All 3 Lemon Cherry Pie phenos- -#1&3 are the largest plants in the room.

1 of the 4 Sour Marshmallow OG checks all the boxes but all of them have an INTENSE stem rub.

Spanish Moon had a slow start but is starting to shine

The Refresher, Punch Bowl and Tropicana Cookies x Tahoe OG all look very healthy and ready to put on a show

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Another week and I’ll move 8 of the biggest ladies over to the 4x8

In the next 4 weeks my focus will be on dialing in the light and air movement over the bud sites to encourage their formation and growth.Only LowStressTraining from here on out.

Supports, nets as needed and removing sun leaves that cover a bud site and leaf tucking.

My canopy is covered by 4 LED ThinkGrow lights 630w. I’ll aim for anywhere from 1-2 grams a watt but it’s very hard to predict with 20 seeds from 8 strains from 3 different breeders.

I hope to find at least 3-4 “super plants” that hopefully gets to that elusive 2gram a watt harvest :slight_smile:

It’s day 10 for the clones. I lost some but the ones I think are special all made it. It’s been really weird weather here which is tough on my setup.

I use one of the new U shaped window ACs and it works really well. Whatever I dial in will hold the room steady as verified by a room temperature sensor and about 6 degrees above that at the canopy as measured.

This works but in the summer I need too much AC and I shutdown room at the end of July through August. There is also an adjustment period in winter when the heat goes on.

Lemon Cherry Pie and Sour Marshmallow OG are turning into beautiful plants

These two clones in the photo are Sour Marshmallow OG and Spanish Moon which I’ve run before and is one of my favorites


Day 19 of flower. So far the Sour Marshmallow and Lemon Cherry Pie are true standouts.

The Refresher, Punch Bowl and Tropicana Cookies x Zweet OG look great too


Absolutely love my Tropicana x zweet

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Week 5 day 31 and the fan leaves and stretch are coming to an end and the plants are about to focus their energy on the flowers.

I’ve got 9 keepers. I’ll some give out and run some myself. These are the ones still alive and in the game.

The Referesher
Apples and Orange
Lemon Cherry Pie
Tropicana Cookies x Zweet OG
Sour Marshmallow OG

Other breeders
Mind Flayer - SolFire
Spanish Moon - Lovin in Her Eyes
Cheetah Piss x Runtz - Lit
Red Velvet x Jelly Rancher#14 - HSC