Unknown pollination

Unknown pollination. So currently I have all my plants in a brand new 5x5. Everything g has been cruising with no issues. Yesterday I realized that the tent somehow got pollinated. I went through all the plants 3 times and can’t find a single nanner. The one this I did do is introduced a second small oscillating fan that was in a tent last round where we did female auto reversal. The area it was in had very bad exhaust so I’m sure the oscillating fan was knee deep in pollen at some point. Question do you think introducing this fan could have pollinated my tent? It sat idle for a couple mo this in between. Only other thing I can think of besides herms is I have two commercial gardens down the road from my house but I co tasted them and they said they were not doing any pollinations. Any insight would be great. I’m not overly concerned exotic I can figure out where the pollen came from.

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I did zero cleaning or spraying of the fan. It was blowing pollen for well over a month.

So auto pollen it is likely I’m thinking. I think I can grow one of the autos out and if it goes auto no problem then I’ll be much more positive that that was the pollen donor. If it was a photo donor I don’t think the seeds that will come off the autos in there would have the auto trait in the F1’s

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In open environment conditions, I believe pollen is only active for a few days and definitely should have died off within a couple months.

Which strains were involved here?

All crosses I made. All f1s so who knows :man_shrugging:t2:

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Pretty sure the pieces kush in the room threw some nanners and here I sit.