Start Here! How to participate in Multipass-only threads

Welcome to the ETHOS Community! This forum is a space for Multipass Members to connect, ask questions, share ideas and level up together. If you can’t reply to threads or participate in conversations, that’s because you haven’t joined the Multipass Members group! Here’s how to get started:

  1. Click the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the page. Then click “Groups.”
  2. Select “Multipass Members.”
  3. Click the “Request” button in the top right corner. This is the most important step! When you request to join, send your name and member number so we can verify your membership.

Once we verify that you are a Multipass Member, you’ll be added to the group and notified. Once you’re in, all categories, topics, and conversations will be available to you—and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts.