Skunk Hero seed pack problems

I had this pack of feminized Skunk Hero seeds that I gifted to a friend. He has had some crazy experience with them. one came out full auto and flowered immediately, like 4 internodes in, and two have turn full male. Has anyone else had an experience like this with the skunk hero pack or any others for that matter?

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Yeah, kind of a bummer. I was trying to introduce him to Ethos and it didn’t go so well. haha


Autos and (actual) Males in a fem pack? That would be a first. And honestly impossible* based on our production methods. 1) where’d you get the pack? 2) does your buddy know what he’s talking about (all due respect).

*meaning impossible that random autos, fems, and male females could all be in the same vial. Or even two strains in the same vial.

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I was wondering that’s why I was asking. I got the pack from multiverse but it looked legit authentic with the seal. I think my buddy just must have lost track of seeds. I didn’t mean to accuse or anything. I personally have never had any problems with male/female auto/photo. It’s good to hear in confidence that your system wouldn’t allow for that. I wish I would have grown that pack myself. Live and learn. Thanks for the response Riley.