Facebook Ethos Genetics page

Look at my pictures attached is this site managed by Colin?? If not, they have a website on Facebook and they’re obviously selling Ethos seeds and acting like they are Ethos… I would hope Colin would send them a cease and desist. Or at least make them state they are a middle man and not Ethos the company. Or he could start a legitimate page saying that one is fake… Sorry I just get upset when I feel like somebody’s messing with our company!!! Lol my stock shares make my head pretty big :face_with_monocle: :rofl:

Thats where you can get all your current ethos information. I believe this is the only place they are posting now

Wait, what are you talking about? We have our main site www.ethosgenetics.com and our store website www.officialethosseeds.com. We have a Facebook page that Colin runs (the one in your picture) and we have this forum for Multipass members that I run. The websites have to be separate for compliance reasons with the CC processors. I don’t understand what you think is wrong…?