Avid insecticide/miticide

Anyone here use Avid? I understand it is usually for mite control. I am just curious if it will keep caterpillars at bay too? My understanding is this product works on a tissue level and stays in the plant for about 45 days. It is also very potent and the smallest size 8 fl oz is basically a lifetime supply for the average grower.


Used it 15 years ago and it sucked. Wear skin protection

no one should be using systemic pesticides on cannabis. Chemical half-life is not zero, it’s 50%. Avid causes reproductive harm. It is banned for cannabis in the legal states. Also, there are more effective ways to deal with caterpillars, like netting, that are 100% safe and effective. Check out Arbico Organics for a ton of options that are reasonably safe.

Also this list from Colorado approved pesticides:

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Do not use avid it is systemic and will stay in plant for full life cycle and even clones will retain it. Cannabis is an accumulator plant it will pull and hold on to a lot of inputs.