Got these little things. They are soft bodied l, about 2mm long. Lays eggs under leaves and crawl on stems, thought they were scales but they are mobile. Had one plant pretty badly infested and got rid of it. Cleaning up other plants of any signs of them, but are in mid flower so not gonna spray.
I think it’s an aphid.
I think so too. I’m used to fighting black aphids on my citrus trees and hibiscus, but first time seeing white ones on my cannabis. Thanks
Yeah looks like aphids
Definitely aphids. Lacewings are a good spray alternative but then you have another bug during flower which isn’t ideal
I did heavy defoliation and squished any I saw on stems. Keeping a close eye
Get some Lady Bugs, their larva will do the job for you.
Unfortunately I cannot ship live insects to Hawaii because of our quarantine laws. There are native ladybugs here, but I cannot find any available for purchase. I’ve just been smashing them as I see them, keeping numbers down, but they keep coming back,
Yellow sticky traps? Won’t solve the problem, but give a little satisfaction killing the ones that get stuck there.
I’m getting some ladybugs smuggled in
Got 1500 ladybugs. Maybe 150 made it to Hawaii alive after being shipped and reshipped. Got half working the plants, the other half in a terrarium being fed with infested leaves to try and keep a population. Guess I’m a bug farmer now.
I just thought of something else if the lady beetles don’t help: heat treatment. Of course this only works indoor, ideally a tent. Turn off fans and raise heat to 120F for at least an hour. Even better if you can “soak” the room at 110F with the lights off and a heavy watering, then ramp up to 120F for an hour. This kills a lot of bugs, and while it stresses plants and burns off terps, it can sometimes completely eliminate aphids. (I heard this tip in reference to root aphids on KIS Organics podcast.)
Awesome action shot
nom nom nom! Where did you get your beetles? Usually they are wild harvested at the end of their lifecycle and don’t breed. But it looks like you got great success.
Got em from
The larvae are getting fat and molting as they grow. The aphids are really knocked back, can hardly find any. Might need to bring in aphids to feed them, but then what am I doing? Growing weed or breeding bugs?
Very cool stuff!